Wednesday, March 7, 2012



  1. I thought this activity was great it helped me understand the different functions of each organell by associating it with something non-bio related.

  2. The mitochondria provides the energy for active transport of waste leaving the cell and substances entering the body and being Brocken down my enzymes in the lysosomes. ???

  3. Ok Cassie you are definitely on the right track. Read the section on mitochondria in your text book or even Google it, to see how it does this and what else it actually provides energy for.

  4. Ok so I guess its time I had a go explaining one of these...

    Mitochondria as refered to on my groups poster, are the jelly bean shaped organelles inside the cell. However they squirm, elongate and change shape continuously in a living organism.

    They consist of two membranes, a surrounding lipid bilayer and an inner lipid bilayer (cristae) which protrudes into the matrix of the organelle and is the site of the organelles ribosomes and DNA.

    They function in providing energy to the cell in the form of ATP and their presence is determined by the cells energy requirements.

    Formation of ATP occurs when enzymes within the mitochondria break down intermediate products of food fuels into water and carbon dioxide and uses the energy released to attach a third phosphate group to ADP molecules in order to form ATP. This processes requires oxygen and is there for refered to as aerobic cellular respiration.

    When a cell increases it requirement for energy a mitochondria will either synthesis more cristae or pinch in half and then each half will grow to original size thus increasing ATP production.

    Mitochondris is also thought to have arisin from purple bacteria phylum... but we wont go there.

    Hope this is understandable.

  5. Lizzy this is a great description. Well done.
